Who can fail to be inspired by the ethos of the great fashion guidebook “Cheap Chic.” First published in 1975, and written by Caterine Milinaire and Carol Troy, the book is filled with advice on creating one’s own unique personal style. Still relevant 40 plus years later, it teaches how to incorporate vintage, army surplus and inexpensive basics with unique pieces to create a truly interesting wardrobe. While many of the small independent shops listed as resources in the back of the book no longer exist, there are still fantastic resale shops and independent stores where one can curate a singular look. And of course, as always, make sure to add lots of colorful and unusual jewelry to the mix.

Ewa Rudling deluxe ragpicker epitomizes the spirit of Cheap Chic. "It’s not the budget, it’s the imagination”

"When you can't afford to play with clothes, you can always have fun dressing up your face."